HVAC commercial solutions

When energy is distributed intelligently around a building, system efficiency improves. Comfort increases. Waste and cost are reduced.

We make all this possible with our intelligent heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) solutions. Using real-time feedback loops to auto-adjust systems efficiently and sustainably.

Our solutions are available for commercial buildings of all shapes and sizes. For added convenience, we can provide end-to-end support, from design to training.

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Playing it cool

Today’s commercial buildings are both more airtight and packed with heat-producing equipment. To keep them comfortable, we’ve pioneered new air-conditioning solutions.

Our systems are over twice as efficient as those just 10 to 15 years older. For example, our e-series modular chiller range can simultaneously heat and cool different spaces to balance energy use across a building.

For retail spaces and offices, our City Multi and Mr Slim leading air-conditioning systems provide a wide range of indoor options including 4-way blow ceiling cassettes, wall mounts and ducted units. They’re versatile, easy to install and very low-maintenance.

Hot water on tap

Today’s hospitals, hotels and leisure centres need modern, low-carbon hot water solutions. Gas boilers, combined heat and power systems (CHP) and electric water-heating are no longer suitable.

That’s why we’ve created the Ecodan QAHV Monobloc Air Source Heat Pump. Designed for commercial sanitary hot water applications, it uses carbon dioxide as the refrigerant, which has a lower global warming potential than other options.

It also boasts high efficiency at high flow temperatures, with full heating capacity down to -3 degrees, along with ultra-low noise levels.

Renewable heating for commercial properties

Sustainable cities demand more efficient heating solutions for commercial buildings. So we’ve optimised our range of heat pumps to work in the UK climate.

Our Ecodan range provides renewable heating that cuts the energy demands, carbon emissions and running costs of larger buildings. These versatile, easy-to-install units help owners meet today’s tough sustainability targets.

Recycling energy to refresh the air supply

As energy-efficiency targets lead to more airtight commercial buildings, the need for mechanical ventilation grows. Our solutions include heat recovery units (MVHR), air-handling units (AHUs) and AHU control interfaces.

Our Lossnay units, for example, deliver fresh air to a building while simultaneously removing stale air. Their heat-recovery technology extracts heating or cooling energy from this stale air – and uses it to either warm or cool incoming fresh air.

This process delivers high-quality air with outstanding energy-efficiency.

Chillers for comfort and process-cooling

Greater energy-efficiency. Lower environmental impact. Lower running-costs. Our air-conditioning innovations combine these benefits.

We offer both air-source and water-cooled chillers across two ranges – the e-series modular chiller range and a traditional chiller range.

The e-series, available as a cooling-only or heat-pump solution, can be used for comfort or process-cooling.

Our traditional water-chillers are cutting-edge Climaveneta solutions. They can also be used for comfort or process-cooling.

Faster, more powerful hand-drying

High-speed, low-noise and impressively energy-efficient. With our Jet Towel Slim ‘hands-in’ and Jet Towel Smart ‘hands-under’ products, you enjoy a more satisfying drying experience.

In addition, to minimise contamination and maximise comfort, both our models feature anti-bacterial surfaces and a comfortably large hand-drying area.